Components of Reading Instruction

Posted on October 26, 2018

Effective reading instruction helps learners foster their strengths and shore up their weaknesses when reading. The quality of instruction offered to learners/students is the key to form a strong foundation for reading that will last a life-time. Following is a list of some components of reading instructions validated by experienced teachers: Phonological And Phonemic Awareness: Phonological awareness refers to the awareness of words, sounds, rhymes and syllables that make a language. Phonemic awareness on the other hand is an important…

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Types of Learning Disabilities

Posted on September 24, 2018

Learning disabilities are caused by a lag in processing certain information which in turn affects basic skills such as reading, writing and math. These disabilities also affect higher level skills like planning, organization, abstract reasoning, memory and attention. However, it is important to note that learning disabilities are not intellectual disabilities and sometimes those with learning disabilities have been shown to have an above average IQ.  It is important to have a thorough understanding of different types of learning disabilities.…

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Facts About Learning Difficulties

Posted on August 28, 2018

Learning difficulties manifest in the form of problems related to learning such as difficulty in reading, listening, speaking, solving academic problems etc. Such problems make it difficult to take in new information and retain it. Learning difficulties are a common phenomenon yet many people don’t know important facts about them. Let’s take a look at some facts that throw light on important aspects of learning disabilities:They Have A Genetic Tendency: It is believed that learning difficulties usually run in families…

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Ways To Help Your Child With Spellings

Posted on July 27, 2018

Every child is different and unique. What works like magic for one child might not help another. When it comes to spellings, each child requires a different approach to retain what he has learnt. Kids who are slow at mastering spellings require more time and attention. Parental help at home can be immensely helpful.Talking of help at home, let’s take a look at what parents can do to help their kids get better at spelling:Fun Writing Activities: Encourage your child…

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Children with dyslexia can have difficulty in learning and building concepts, mostly due to the challenge posed by reading with dyslexia. When helping a dyslexic child build their reading skills, and in turn be better learners, it is important to have a clear understanding of the condition and work with empathy as well as patience. Working with a dyslexic student helps them know that they are cared for, and that help is available, which builds a strong foundation for better…

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Children with dyslexia experience issues with their attention span and concentration levels. They find it difficult to focus on something and get distracted easily. However there are some cognitive exercises and strategies which can be immensely helpful in helping them develop concentration. Let’s take a look at some of them: Reduce Distractions: Create a conducive environment for the child in which he/she can thrive and retain information. Ensure that the child gets enough sleep and rest. Keep away distracting factors…

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Reading Issues Children Face

Posted on April 28, 2018

Learning to read is a major milestone in every child’s life, and when it is delayed, it becomes a cause of concern. If your child is lagging behind at any stage of the reading curve, it is important to first understand cause of the problem, and then work on finding its solution to help your child overcome it. Here is a look at some of the common reading issues faced by children:Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): Attention Deficit Disorder is a…

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Attention issues in dyslexic kids can be resolved with supportive policies and by spreading awareness among parents, teachers and communities. With the right support, kids with dyslexia can learn how to conquer their attention issues and perform better academically, be stronger emotionally and socialize more confidently. Let’s take a look at some tips that can help them solve attention issues among dyslexic kids. Spreading Awareness Awareness in and around schools helps people know more about Dyslexia. When those around the…

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Students with dyslexia usually encounter problems with reading comprehension. Due to difficulty in word recognition, they might have to read a single passage repeatedly to understand it. There are a few measures that teachers can adopt to help kids with dyslexia improve their reading skills. Let’s take a look at some of them individually - 1. Teaching Vocabulary An increased vocabulary helps dyslexic children understand what they are reading better. It becomes easier for them to derive the meaning of…

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Dyslexic kids are big picture thinkers and less adept to processing and remembering what they learn. However, a little tweaking in their style of learning can make a huge difference towards improving their memory. Let’s take a look at some strategies that can be followed to improve the memory of dyslexic kids. Imagination And Association Kids love stories. So why not put stories to build up their memory skills. This memory improvement technique works great when it comes to dyslexic…

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