The ability to comprehend and remember reading material is extremely important for students to be successful. Improving reading comprehension can help a reader connect better with the information given on a page and apply to his existing knowledge.Here are some useful tools to improve student’s reading comprehension skills:Pre-Reading Tasks: Before beginning to read the text, students must be asked to take a brief review of what the topic discusses. They must be encouraged to recollect as much information as they…

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Tips To Help Struggling Readers

Posted on June 19, 2015

Helping a struggling reader overcome his reading difficulties can be a challenging task. However, being a parent or teacher, the first step is identifying the problem area and intervening at an early stage.A reading difficulty may manifest itself in the following ways:Students are unable to successfully learn a reading concept altogetherThey tend to forget the concept after learningThey learn and memorize the concept but are unable to apply it in real life situations Here are some tips to help struggling readers…

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Welcome to See-N-Read® Blog

Posted on April 16, 2015

 Thinking & Learning Blog An informational blog for parents, teachers, students and those interested in current trends in thinking and learning.   Blog Focus: This blog focuses on brain-based tips and strategies to improve thinking and learning for all ages. Statistics tell us that a significant number of students are struggling to be successful in school. This is no different than in days past, but today, utilizing on new brain research, we have the capability to identify and help students who…

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