Helping a struggling reader overcome his reading difficulties can be a challenging task. However, being a parent or teacher, the first step is identifying the problem area and intervening at an early stage.

A reading difficulty may manifest itself in the following ways:

  • Students are unable to successfully learn a reading concept altogether
  • They tend to forget the concept after learning
  • They learn and memorize the concept but are unable to apply it in real life situations


Here are some tips to help struggling readers in classrooms or at home:

  • Reading a paragraph from start to end may seem to be difficult. Often, the space between words may appear to be blurred or the child may lose track while moving from one sentence to another. Use a reading strip can help them stay focused on a specific line and understand it.
  • Encourage your child to read anything that captures their interest. You must ask the child to try and read text books, magazines, comics or any websites that he finds interesting. This will keep the child engaged and he will be able to learn many new words.
  • Set realistic reading goals for the child. If you set tough targets that need days or weeks to be achieved, the child may feel discouraged and uninterested. Each day when you begin with the lesson, tell your child the goal he will be working for. You can also reward the child for every little progress that he makes towards the goal.
  • Repeat the lessons again and again. If your child needs to read the same words or chapters many times, allow him to do so. Repetition helps in retaining the information and memorizing it for a long time.
  • Asking questions is also a great strategy to improve reading comprehension. Let your child relate with the characters in a story, their feelings and actions. Ask them questions about the story or what he assumes should happen next. This way, they will be engaged in the reading task and understand it thoroughly.


See-N-Read Reading Tools are designed to provide affordable and practical learning support to struggling readers. Our products are aimed at helping children overcome reading difficulties and develop memory strategies. For more details, you can call at (630) 236 – 5592.